EUROMET Member Info


Learn more about the members of EUROMET


Centrul Roman pentru Educatie si Dezvoltare Umana

Address of the organisation:

Nasaud, nr.6, bl. 24, sc.A, ap.

65 Bucuresti


Phone number:

0021 336 52 45  

Contact person:

Camelia Tancau

E-mail contact person:

About the organisation

Areas of intervention:

·  Target groups by offering specific programs to integrate academic, vocational, family and social.



  • Introduction of new educational modules and psycho social intervention in prisons, rehabilitation centres, probation services, orphanages

  • Facilitate professional development of staff working in these institutions

  • Making exchanges, seminars, international conferences,

  • Supporting institutional and legislative reform

  • Community - community awareness attempt on the good effects of an educational intervention on groups of beneficiaries that we work with.